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G’day! My Name is Reuven Matalon and welcome to my website. 


Ever since I was a child, I was always fascinated with the world around us, but it was not until 2009 when a close friend visited me from Canada that my passion for landscape photography instantly sparked like wildfire.


During his visit I showed him around my hometown of Sydney, Australia.


He captured landscape images that not only entranced me but placed a forever lasting footprint on me both emotionally and mentally. 


Seeing what he was creating made me strive to gain his knowledge.


Yet being self taught, my learning process was slow and I’d go through phases where I would get frustrated when not achieving the results I wanted. 


With what I call the three P's ( Practice, Persistence & Patience ) it all payed off.

Taking photos at sunrise, sunset, and into the dark hours of the night are all unique and special to me. Landscape photography is where I've found myself to be truly complete and content as individual in this big world of ours.


If you have any questions or interested in obtaining a print, just send me an email and I'd be only to pleased to reply!


Thank you,


Reuven Matalon.

 About me

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